RedditGifts Marketplace Closed
So RedditGifts Marketplace (was at closed with no warning, leaving the merchants stunned and without a way to let customers know where to find them.
Tiny Bee Cards was kind enough to setup a page to rectify this issue
Find former RedditGifts Marketplace vendors here (obviously the word reddit belongs to reddit we are just indicating that these people used to sell in the redditgifts marketplace which is/was property of reddit)
"This is a listing of original RedditGifts Marketplace merchants."
Tiny Bee Cards was kind enough to setup a page to rectify this issue
Find former RedditGifts Marketplace vendors here (obviously the word reddit belongs to reddit we are just indicating that these people used to sell in the redditgifts marketplace which is/was property of reddit)
"This is a listing of original RedditGifts Marketplace merchants."
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