Racksburg Hackathon 0

We restarted the hackathon numbering since we are in a new office. The theme was donuts. It started June 27 with a BBQ at 4:30pm (with The Devotea USA rosemary gunpowder tea meat rub). Each person got a list of ways to earn tokens (participate in an open source project, work on multiple hackaton projects, play rockband, etc). despite photographs to the contrary there was more than just gaming going on (as proven by the demos). I was sad that everyone was working at their desks, everyone used to get together in the RRR and be social. I hacked in the RRR with Satish and people came down to eat and play (we had the TV and hence the wii) but that was it. There were over 300 donuts. I ate many. Midnight standup showed some people had peeled off for sleep, but there was a pretty good showing. everyone was chirping around and needed no help I only got half way in my project before i dropped out and dealt with real life. Saturday 3pm demos were great! My boss did a feature w...