2600 is in danger again, from outside forces being dicks http://www.2600.com/?q=content%2Fsource-interlink-closure-and-rebranding-puts-2600-limbo "How can you help? We are not a charity so we are not asking for donations. What we're asking for is involvement. Help us to spread the word and get this resolved. If there's something we do that you like, support it or tell friends. Buy our new issue when it hits the stands in July - we'll actually get paid for this one. Make us Number One on Kindle. Let people know about HOPE X and get as many of them as possible to come to the conference. (Our growing list of talks is pretty damn impressive.) If 500 people buy tickets who wouldn't have otherwise bought tickets to the event, that would be enough for us to get through this without getting paid. Not that we wouldn't still be angry as hell, but at least we wouldn't be facing oblivion."


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